Timetable of South China Sea Annual Meeting 2023


Day 4,Nov. 05, 2023Sunday


Registration: B1-114 Reception, B1 Building, XMUM@Registration

2023-11-05 08:30 ~ 17:00

Timetable V7 Updated:2023-10-25 16:43:32


Morning Plenary Session 2@Plenary session

2023-11-05 09:00 ~ 12:30

XMUM B1-114

Session Host:SHANG Shaoling Professor/Xiamen University

Timetable V28 Updated:2023-11-02 10:17:03

Start End Duration ID Title
09:00 09:15 15 84
09:15 09:30 15 147
Oral Presentation
09:30 09:45 15 132
The near-global ocean mesoscale eddy atmospheric-oceanic-biological interaction observational dataset
DONG Changming/Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Oral Presentation
09:45 10:00 15 146
Oral Presentation
10:00 10:15 15 117
Remote estimation of sea surface nitrate from ocean color
CHEN Shuangling/Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR
Oral Presentation
10:15 10:30 15 Discussion
10:30 11:00 30 Coffee break
11:00 11:15 15 62
11:15 11:30 15 105
Wind energy transfer into the South China Sea
GUAN Yuping/South China Sea Institute of Oceanology
Oral Presentation
11:30 11:45 15 92
Typhoon-enhanced near-inertial waves in the northwestern South China Sea
XU Hongzhou/Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering
Oral Presentation
11:45 12:00 15 25
Typhoon and storm-induced phytoplankton responses revealed by BGC-Argo
XING Xiaogang/Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR
Oral Presentation
12:00 12:15 15 88
Oral Presentation
12:15 13:00 45 Discussion
13:00 14:00 60 Lunch

Afternoon Parallel Session1+2@1. Air-Sea Interaction and Climate Variability & 2. Multi-scale Dynamical Processes in the Ocean

2023-11-05 14:00 ~ 17:30

XMUM B1-114

Session Host:HAN Lei/Xiamen University Malaysia;LIEW Ju Neng Associate Professor/Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Timetable V15 Updated:2023-10-31 19:03:46

Start End Duration ID Title
14:00 14:15 15 71
14:15 14:30 15 98
14:30 14:45 15 90
Oral Presentation
14:45 15:00 15 95
Oral Presentation
15:00 15:15 15 89
Oral Presentation
15:15 15:30 15 94
An internal solitary wave forecasting model in the northern South China Sea (ISWFM-NSCS)
GONG Yankun/South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS
Oral Presentation
15:30 16:00 30 Coffee break
16:00 16:15 15 97
16:15 16:30 15 116
Oral Presentation
16:30 16:45 15 96
16:45 17:00 15 103
17:00 17:15 15 73
17:15 17:45 30 Closing

Afternoon Parallel Session 4@4. Coupling of Marine Biogeochemical and Dynamical Processes

2023-11-05 14:00 ~ 15:30

XMUM B1-215

Session Host:LUO Yawei Professor/Xiamen University

Timetable V12 Updated:2023-10-21 11:51:14

Start End Duration ID Title
14:00 14:15 15 112
Fluorescence Sensing of Ammonium in Water
CHEN Xi/Xiamen University
Oral Presentation
14:15 14:30 15 54
14:30 14:45 15 47
Oral Presentation
14:45 15:00 15 46
Oral Presentation
15:00 15:15 15 53
15:15 15:30 15 42
15:30 16:00 30 Coffee Break

Afternoon Parallel Session 6@6. Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence Oceanography

2023-11-05 16:00 ~ 17:30

XMUM B1-215

Session Host:DONG Changming Professor/Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;SHANG Shaoling Professor/Xiamen University

Timetable V14 Updated:2023-10-31 19:03:01

Start End Duration ID Title
16:00 16:15 15 134
16:15 16:30 15 115
16:30 16:45 15 113
LI Xiaolong/Institute of Oceanology, CAS
Oral Presentation
16:45 17:00 15 64
17:00 17:15 15 58
17:15 17:45 30 Closing
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